Monday, October 21, 2013

Shutdown Aftermath

            In the editorial published in the CNN website on October 21 2013, I think aimed towards democrats and others who don’t like the Republicans. The article talks about the aftermath of the government shutdown and that the majority of the public is blaming the Republicans. They also foretold that they think those Republicans won’t be reelected to office and see them as too extreme. Most people pointed out that Obama was the big winner of the government shutdown. The majority of Americans believe that another shutdown is imminent in the near future since they think that the Democrats and Republican parties won’t be able to compromise.

            I think that the author Paul Steinhauser did a great job directing the attention of the democratic audience he intended this article towards. Since the Republicans were the cause of the government shutdown that lasted 16 days they are taking most of the fallout but the democratic party and president are walking away unscathed. Steinhauser takes in what the public says from polls and how they feel they need better Republicans to represent them because the chances of the current ones getting reelected are slim, thus trying to stop another Republican tantrum generated government crisis. I agree that the Republican Party is to blame for the government shutdown and the events that followed almost causing the US to default and the public take notice that the Democrats were trying to stop the shutdown as soon as possible yet the Republicans were adamant about their standing and decided to play chicken. If another shutdown does occur I think that the government will take longer to decide and the economic casualties will be too high for any good to come out of it. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Shutdown Affects International Affairs

In the editorial published on October 8th in The New York Times by The Editorial Board, shows how the government shutdown not only affects the US but also other countries wait to see how it turns out and how they are affected by the outcome. Just like person wouldn't like people giving them advice on how to manage their life the US probably feels the same way with the other nations like China and South Africa finance leaders giving advice on how to deal with the shutdown. The article seems to lean more towards the Democratic side since it doesn't speak ill about the Democratic Party.  The point the author is trying to make is that the shutdown affects both the US and the other nations that have invested in her and if the shutdown continues then the US will lose legitimacy. I agree with the point since if the government can’t solve financial problems then the other nations will see us as weak and will try to take over as a superpower. Also the flaws in our government come to light and how differences in ideas can cripple our government. The credibility of the article and the author are high since it comes from The New York Times, also the editorial board wrote it so a lot of thought was put into the article and facts from reliable sources. The sooner we resolve this shutdown the sooner we can focus on international affairs and pay the employees who are furlough then try to fix our economy.