I think that just because the healthcare.gov website
isn’t working properly doesn’t mean it’s directly Obama’s fault. He is the
President which means he will try to do the best to fix the problems with the
website but Tuesday he held an event in the White House to address the issues and
saying the benefit of the health care program outweigh the current technical
problems that the site is undergoing. My thoughts are that if people know the
site is having problems then maybe they should wait a few weeks and try again
and not blame Obama. If things went like he wanted them go in the start maybe
the technical issues wouldn’t be a lot and the systems that each state would
have had would have been able to process people more quickly since they only
focus on the population of that state. If the problems still continue into
early 2014 then maybe President Obama could extend the deadline for everyone to
be insured since it wouldn’t be fair if people tried to sign up but couldn’t due
to issues and the deadline passes so they will have to pay a fee for not being
I also think that the Republican are to blame since they just wait for
the Democrats to make a mistake then try to make it a bigger deal than it is.
For example with the health care website not working the Republicans attack
saying that Obama had time to make signing up for health care more assessable
yet the only thing he has to show is a broken website. With negative comments like
that then the public will just blame the President even more, and the
Republicans should also be helping in fixing the website instead of criticizing
it. If the US government would address problems more uniformly instead of
sticking with their parties most of the time then maybe most of our government problems
would have been solved or we simply wouldn’t have them. At the end of the day I
just think everyone needs to give Obama time to prove that his health care act
is working and that the problems the website faces are fixed. If it doesn’t work
at that point then we can say he failed but until then we just got to wait and
see how this plays out.