Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Blame it on Obama

            I think that just because the healthcare.gov website isn’t working properly doesn’t mean it’s directly Obama’s fault. He is the President which means he will try to do the best to fix the problems with the website but Tuesday he held an event in the White House to address the issues and saying the benefit of the health care program outweigh the current technical problems that the site is undergoing. My thoughts are that if people know the site is having problems then maybe they should wait a few weeks and try again and not blame Obama. If things went like he wanted them go in the start maybe the technical issues wouldn’t be a lot and the systems that each state would have had would have been able to process people more quickly since they only focus on the population of that state. If the problems still continue into early 2014 then maybe President Obama could extend the deadline for everyone to be insured since it wouldn’t be fair if people tried to sign up but couldn’t due to issues and the deadline passes so they will have to pay a fee for not being insured.
          I also think that the Republican are to blame since they just wait for the Democrats to make a mistake then try to make it a bigger deal than it is. For example with the health care website not working the Republicans attack saying that Obama had time to make signing up for health care more assessable yet the only thing he has to show is a broken website. With negative comments like that then the public will just blame the President even more, and the Republicans should also be helping in fixing the website instead of criticizing it. If the US government would address problems more uniformly instead of sticking with their parties most of the time then maybe most of our government problems would have been solved or we simply wouldn’t have them. At the end of the day I just think everyone needs to give Obama time to prove that his health care act is working and that the problems the website faces are fixed. If it doesn’t work at that point then we can say he failed but until then we just got to wait and see how this plays out.


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  2. I am afraid that the website is not the only thing (if it is not working properly) that the populace should be worried about. What a lot of people do not know is the personal and business mandates that the law encircles. The website itself is just a scratch on the surface of a massive, and bigger problem waiting to be unearthed. Since the passing of the act back in 2010, Obama’s administration had 3 years to get everything in order, so that by the time it was time to enforce the law, there would be very little to worry about. I do understand that the affordable care act is meant to be a big overhaul since Medicaid was instituted under the Johnson administration in 1965. I also think it is safe to say that the nation needed some type of reform to healthcare since its foundation 48 years ago. Romney, who campaigned for the election in 2012, had set up a health insurance program back in the state of Massachusetts when he was governor.

    The 40 million Americans that Obama has promised to fight tooth and nail for that never had health care coverage will hurt people in the process. The website is what we should not be worried about. The thing that we should be worried about are the personal mandates, which will take affect this coming tax season; and the business mandates, which have been delayed a year. After Obama said that people could keep their insurance plans, during the enrollment period; those same insurance plans were “randomly” dropped due to insurance companies not being able to meet government regulations. These insurance companies had no other choice but to cancel those who were insured before, which were the same people that were told that if they liked their plan they could keep it by Obama.

    Furthermore, The Affordable Health Care Act’s business mandate will be responsible for the lay off for those that currently have a middle class job. Small business’s who show more then 50 employees on their books will have to meet stricter government regulations by the year after next. It is already proposed that these small businesses will have to lay off people in the process. Businesses will be in the same boat as the insurance companies. Having to cancel plans because their hands were tied behind their back because of government regulation, small businesses will be incapacitated because of the Affordable Care Act.

    On top of paying an increasing tax, if someone is not federally covered by a health plan in the years to come, to businesses drastically cutting jobs; the website enrollment numbers are, to me, not worthy of consideration. If we are focusing on negative enrollment numbers due to a poor website rollout, then we are going to set ourselves up for failure down the road, because there is a ton more in which people will be affected, in a negative sense, in the upcoming years. I think that the generalized media is doing a piss poor job, like usual, in only focusing on a small fraction of the encompassing and unabridged problem that, we as a nation, are going to suffer with a great and inconsolable fate.
